The alarm went off on my Blackberry and I woke up to turn it off. The sun was streaming in through my window as my wife and I prepared for the day. I sat up in bed and started to go through my mail. A quick hug, while my fingers held a button on my PDA, and she was off, while I continued with the message I was working on earlier.
I got out of the bedroom and walked towards the study to start work for that day, making some tea as I went along. The nanny said good morning, and I replied without looking up as I got a fresh brew of coffee – and then realised I initially wanted to make tea, but I had gotten lost in gmail somewhere along the line.
What I found extremely annoying was the fact that I still got spam on my yahoo account – the third yahoo account I had – but I guess that was a hazard that came with the terrain. As I logged onto facebook and hotmail, I looked at the time.
8.00 am
Good. I had quite a lot to cover. I went through facebook quickly, added a few lines to my page, then off I went to reverbnation to sort out a few things. Drat it! I had almost forgotten to tweet! Now, should I use Snaptu or Twitter directly? Well, I decided I would use Twitter to say a few lines while alternating with Ubertwitter to send multiple tweets. That would save me considerable time.
As I sorted that out on my blackberry and added a few lines to my latest blogspot post, which I promptly pinged across several sites, making sure I had used the right meta tags, I made a mental note of the documents I had to work on for the day. The wordpress editing would have to wait!
I opened a few files and began to work…then looked at the time.
12 noon.
I ran off to have breakfast though I wasn’t hungry at all as there were a few things to sort out on Technoratti – but I didn’t want my wife to get upset that I had not eaten all day…again.
I grudgingly got into my breakfast then heard the cry of my baby.
Gosh! It was 1pm and I was going to see him for the first time today.
I swept guilt aside and made my way to him, my little bundle of delight. The problem was I hardly heard his coos as my mind went through the sequence of the report I was working on… I handed him over and continued working.
The door opened and my wife walked in from work. Gosh, time had flown! Breakfast was on a tray next to me…cold
She started to tell me about her day, but I had to cut her off to make a few crucial phone calls, and then reply to the messages on my phone and yahoo and hotmail and gmail and twitter and facebook and…
My point?
Most of the time we start to lie to ourselves about these ‘communication’ tools and ‘aids’ that rob us of relationships and actual communication. In other words, if you don’t put a clamp on this generally accepted addiction, it WILL destroy and ruin you AND true relationship with the ones who truly matter – God, family and good friends!
Love this piece