My baby is crying...AGAIN
So I am up in the middle of the night sulking in my corner, while my wife, who is actually mother Teresa's in disguise, is patting him, cooing him, dancing with him...
I am still sulking.
He has taken my space on the bed and even stole...the bosoms!
Now, I am feeling guilty.
So, though its 2am, I will go to assist her - and him, though I know that at about 5.30, my body clocks kicks in - nd it is the end of sleep for me.
I will toss and turn for a little while and find solace in my blackberry, guitar or go to the study to attempt to pray...and whine!
And yet, they will both be sleeping and he, he will be smiling - in his sleep!
And when I walk past the little 'cherub' later in the day, as though on a cue, he will smile at me.
And, despite myself, I will forget last night and say:
"Ah, little man, you are such an angel!", and we will play and coo and all that sweet stuff.
But then, in a few hours, the night's darkness falls, bringing the unspoken horrors of the shrill cry that breaks the silence of the night...three times.
Three times!!!
Anyone with motile sperm can be a father, but, like my mother-in-law said, to be called 'Daddy', that has to be earned.
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