I remember that day well…
Earlier on, there had been an invitation from a good
friend of mine, one of the kindest people I have met on the planet. She
had invited me to come over for a birthday get-together. It would simply
be barbeque and drinks with friends in the back garden and it would be
fun, she had said. I didn’t really know the person celebrating that day,
but I decided I’d honour the invitation and go over.
Perhaps, if I had known how the day would unravel, I would
have stayed back in my apartment, content with playing a video game,
munching pizza and downing cider – but, I had no idea, and like we say
in Africa, I carried my two legs and went over.
I walked through the door way with my most polite
“hello-people” smile on my face, relieved to see a few familiar faces –
and it was then it dawned on me that I was the only black person around.